My Edumacation

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My Major

Big Brain Time

I am currently going in for a CIS major at the Lyndon UVM campus, or whatever the university is called now- it's like it changes it's name ever single year at this rate. I am currently looking to learn everything I can about HTML (what I'm doing at the moment of writing this), CSS and Java to start with but perhaps Python as well in the future. I intend to start a career in coding once I've graduated with a bachelor's degree, partially because of the high demand meaning an almost guarantee to find work and partially because once I have an understanding coding will definitely start to become fun for me. I unfortunately do not have some big reason for wanting to do a CIS major, no aspirations of changing the world or ambitions of great success- I don't care about fame or becoming a millionaire. A nice comfortable life is fine by me, and it gets tiring answering people who expect you to have a unique answer other than "I'm Mr. Krabs, and I like money!" Though then again, I guess it's less about liking the money and moreso about wanting to survive without being on the constant verge of financial collapse.
